“The Best Day Ever!”

Imagine a school-day filled with arts activities and programs for the whole school!!!

Imagine 25-30 musicians, dancers, and artists throughout the school sharing their talent and passion with students.

Imagine students having the chance to:

  • Dance with the Colorado Ballet

  • Learn about rhythms on a djembe

  • Create origami ornaments

  • Try a trumpet or violin or flute

  • Watch a performance from Central City Opera

  • Sit “inside” an orchestra

  • Learn to weave

  • Create multi-media art pieces

  • Laugh with a puppeteer

  • And so much more

That is a glimpse of an ART DAY as created by Community Resources, Inc. Art Days are designed to bring the world of THE ARTS to students throughout Denver area schools, exposing students to new and beautiful experiences, opening their minds to new opportunities.  

Following Art Days at schools, the most frequently heard comment (by students and staff alike) is “THIS WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!” Funding for ART DAYS has come from the wonderful Assistance League Denver and from the schools themselves. But there are so many more students who deserve these marvelous experiences. Please consider helping make an art day possible!

Adrienne Yang